Peak Education
Alumni Advisory Committee
What is the purpose of the Alumni Advisory Committee?
Peak Education strives to keep students and their families at the center of our work. By listening and collaborating with the Peak Education Scholars, both current and former, we hope to provide scholars with new leadership opportunities while helping improve current and new programs/opportunities for students.
What will the Alumni Advisory Committee do?
Ensure alumni voice and perspective is integrated into Peak Education programming
Advise and provide feedback to Peak Education staff and leadership
Engage in community building activities
What will the structure be?
Group of volunteer alumni
Two meetings per year
Some additional, light work will be needed outside the meeting times
Meeting dates will be determined based on the group's availability
Willingness to prioritize these meetings
Continues to have a meaningful connection to their Peak Ed experience
Some experience in supplemental Peak Education programming would be highly encouraged
i.e. Full STEAM Ahead, near-peer, Peak Ed volunteering, Impact Service Project, summer programs offered by Peak Ed, etc.